Happy Sunday everyone!
Hope everyone has had a great weekend :) My weekend like you can read in the title, has been quite uneventful! but not really much else to be expected in the hospital! haha! It hasn't been bad tho! I have been able to find myself things to stay busy and then the real adventures are waiting until I get out of here happy and healthier than ever ;)
On Friday, I was transported to the hospital I stayed the first night at when I was admitted here in Iceland, to take samples/biopsy from my tonsils. The specialists for those kinds of things are located there so that's why I went there for it. It was the first day for over a week that I put on regular pants and shoes! hah! so I would say it was kinda a big day for me. It definitely felt nice to feel a little more human ish for couple of hours. When I got there, there were two doctors who did the biopsy and to be fully honest, it was the worst experience I have had since I got here. Everything and everyone has been amazing to me and treated me so well so far, but these people were not quite there. Things seemed very unorganized and it almost felt like they didn't know exactly what and why they were doing what they were doing (of course they did though). Anyway, they got it done and it was so FREAKIN painful!! They put a localized numbing agent in my tonsils, that did not work better than... I felt everything when they cut a piece of my tonsils out, ON BOTH SIDES. Ugh! I literally started bawling my eyes out during the first one and then had to pull myself together so they could do the other side. Same there, it was so incredibly painful and I started crying like a child during that one as well. The doctor informed me that its normal to feel some pressure, but I tried to explain to him that I wasn't just bawling my eyes out due to some pressure that was uncomfortable! But that I was literally feeling stinging sharp pain. He didn't say much after that, but kept going. So yeah, that was that experience! Just glad it is over! I should be getting the results from my tonsils hopefully tomorrow, but probably not until few more days (don't want to get too optimistic)
After I got back to my room, I was feeling extremely exhausted. Probably both from the experience, but also from my very poor endurance. I hadn't walked that much and been out and about for over a week. Sadly, that might have just been too much.
The doctors came in later that afternoon, telling me about the plan from now on. So now we are waiting on the results from my tonsils test and that is supposed to be the very important test to decide on what comes next. My doctor also sent all my documentation to the surgeons for them to look at and prep for a possible surgery. Right now, if the tonsils test comes back negative (doesn't show anything), the next thing will be to do surgery, most likely to remove my spleen. However, if the tonsils test comes back positive (could be an infection, cancer etc.), then I will most likely start treatment for that in hope that my spleen will decrease in size with the treatment. So yeah, that tonsil test is kinda a big deal! Let's hope it will come back soon :) Since it's starting to look quite likely that I will need surgery now, my doctor ordered the vaccines to prep my body for surgery and a spleen removal. The spleen is a part of our immune system and it is important to prep the body for not having a part of that system, so I received 3 vaccines on Friday afternoon. The good things is that if I don't end up needing the surgery, the vaccines did no harm. But if I need it, I am all prepped and won't have to wait the extra time to prep after we decide to do surgery.
The rest of that day, I pretty much laid in bed, feeling extremely exhausted and weak. It was a weird feeling, but it felt hard to even lift my limbs off the my mattress. Just felt like complete exhaustion. Most likely a little mixture of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. I think my body is also getting very tired from this fight and we are ready to find out what is going on so we can start fighting this off for real! ;)
Saturday and Sunday were very similar physically!
Thankfully, there was A LOT of skiing on TV, which was amazing!! It helped my day go by so much faster! Both guys and girls were racing both days and I had a blast watching that :)
I know I had written that I was hoping that Ryan could visit me this weekend and unfortunately, he wasn't able to come visit at all! I was pretty bummed about it! but HEY! We only see things in solutions!! He just came and visited me at my window and brought us ice cream! It was the most surprising and interesting date I probably will ever be on, but wow! it did so much for my heart! We just sat there and chit chatted for over an hour, hanging out pretending things were as normal as possible! And yes! Poor Ryan was outside in the cold, but thankfully he brought warm cloths with him (especially since he was eating ice cream). It's about the little things right now. We had so much fun!!

I was also so lucky to have some amazing people drop of a package for me this weekend!! You know who you are! so thank you so so much!

This weekend, I have been feeling pretty weak, tired and sick. I have also had fever both days. I have been having a slight fever ever since around day 2 of being admitted to the hospital. But couple of times, my fever has gone up a little bit higher, including this weekend where I had 38.2 degrees C (100.8 degrees F) two days in a row. It might be due to the vaccines I received, but it can also just be due to the general sickness or whatever I am fighting in my body. But definitely nothing dangerous and my doctors are nurses are monitoring me really well.
I wanted to thank everyone who has been sending me messages, praying for me and calling! All your support has been amazing and helped me so much along the way during these uncertain times!
I also had a professor from school who reached out to me and gifted me with a book (non academic) that he thought would be good for me to read while staying in the hospital!! How sweet is that?! Thank you so much!!
I also wanted to thank everyone that has been texting me with suggestions of shows, movies and books to decrease my boredom here! I absolutely love all the suggestions!!
Speaking of school! I bet a lot of you are wondering what I am doing about school while laying in the hospital in Iceland. "Aren't you in a doctorate program in the U.S.?"
School technically started on January 3rd. and that's why I was "rushing" back to the U.S before New Years. However, we were starting a clinical rotation (working in a clinic) on the 3rd. for 6 weeks. So I kinda lucked out, if I can say that. But I can make up for the clinical rotation after the spring semester, pretty easily. Actual classes don't start until February 14th, which still gives me some time, even though, day by day, I get more anxious about that day coming too fast.
My school has been absolutely amazing to me through this whole thing and they are working with me along the day. But hopefully I can be healthy and ready for classes on February 14th. I also have to finish 3 finals that I was unable to finish in December. But all this is "future problems" and I try to not think about it too much right now. It will all work out :) I am just very happy that we did not have actual classes starting on January 3rd. because that would have just made things a lot more complicated.
I think that's all I have for now! I am thankful for everyone and the amazing support system I have around me. I am going into this week feeling positive and optimistic, but trying not to have too high expectations. We will see where the week takes me :) I promise to keep you updated every couple/few days!
Have a wonderful day ♡
ReplyDeleteElska jákvæðnina hjá þér. Hún á eftir að koma þér í gegnum þessa þrautagöngu og þú munt koma margfalt sterkari til baka með þessa lífsreynslu í farteskinu ❤
ReplyDeleteKnús og kossar 😘❤❤
Þú neglir þetta frænka 😎❤️
ReplyDeleteVona að þú komir fljótt til bata
Praying for you both!!!♥️🥰♥️🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteMaria you write wonderful blogs! Makes me feel like we’re right there with you! You are brave and inspiring in how you move through each day!
ReplyDeleteGod’s got a great plan for your life!
We continue to pray for you daily, and believe for the best results!
May you feel Jesus comforting you daily! We love you ♥️🙏🙌🏼