Happy New Year!

Good morning everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

I have decided to create a blog to update everyone on what is going on and hopefully keep updating you guys as the journey continuous! I have chosen to write in english to cover my bases for most of my friends and family, knowing that they will be able to read and understand, but also to decrease my work of writing in multiple languages and updating people all the time. 
It does get a little bit overwhelming at times trying to keep everyone in the loop when I am feeling very sick and I have limited amount of energy. Thankfully Ryan has been doing an amazing job helping me and making sure our closest friends and family are up to date so far. This blog is supposed to make all this even easier for the both of us. 
I absolutely love all the support Ryan and I have been getting and we wouldn't be able to do this without you! It feels so much more doable, knowing we have such an amazing team behind us! 

I will be posting the first blog later tonight with all the updates up to this day! 
Be prepared for a long reading! 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Praying for your healing and relief of all of this. Try to stay positive and thing about all the journeys and adventures you and Ryan have to do still...so much more out there to explore and hike. Love seeing you guys together and your travels. God bless the both of you. We will continue to pray here in Florida for your healing.


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