It's already been 7 days in Iceland!

Good Evening! 

It's Tuesday night in Iceland, which means Ryan and I have been in Iceland for 7 days! I literally can't believe it! It's weird to say that time is flying by when you're not doing much, but somehow it seems unreal that it has already been a week! 

First, I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the amazing feedback I got on my blog last weekend! Sunday was a quite emotional day for me, just seeing how many people cared for us. It was very overwhelming, but means so much to Ryan and I. All the messages, love, support and prayers were amazing and it has helped me stay positive and keep fighting every single day! SO thank you!! 

On Sunday morning, the head nurse knocked on my door and told me that I could invite Ryan to come visit for the day, one last time! Again, emotional me, HOW amazing?!! He was able to stay for about 7 hours and it was so nice to have him! It really makes the days go by so much faster when you're not completely alone. 
I am staying in a private room on the floor, which has been super nice. However, ever since I was admitted to the hospital, I have been in isolation! Meaning that I have not been allowed to leave my room except when I have had to do testing. In addition, all the nurses and doctors that come into my room have to wear gloves, gown and a mask. So yeah, Ryan also had to wear that when he would visit! It felt very strange, but just that he was able to be there was PERFECT! The reason for me being in isolation is because I have been in hospitals outside of the county and they had to do some tests to make sure I am not spreading bacterias and or viruses that don't exist in Iceland. It was supposed to be really quick test, but they have been just dragging it forever and I still haven't gotten all the results back. SO here I am, trying to enjoy my room as much as I can! haha!
Here is my lovely room that I spend 24/7 in! 

I bet a lot of you are wondering what the heck I am doing all day every day. Don't worry, I wonder the same thing sometimes too! 
But I have been trying to be creative with my time and not just lay and watch Netflix. The people who know me, know I have never been a big TV person, and that hasn't changed ;) 

Now that no one can come visit me, people can still drop of things and packages for me at the front desk, which has been amazing! Yesterday, I got a present that may aunt brought from my mom!! It was a very fun surprise! She gave me an adult coloring book! So I have been keeping myself busy with that a little bit :) I have always loved coloring and now that I have the time, it's been very relaxing and enjoyable! 

Other than that, I still watch some Netflix, Disney plus, skiing, talk to friends and family, and then of course keep up with my medical testing and appointments. Some days seem longer than others, but I am surprised how fast time is going. 

On Monday (yesterday), the testing finally started for REAL! 
It started by getting a bone marrow biopsy (they take a sample of my bone marrow). That procedure was just done in my own bed in my room. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the procedure itself was really quick. I laid on my stomach and they injected a numbing agent to the back of my hip, where they then went in with a large needle to get a sample out. It was honestly the weirdest feeling ever, it felt like the doctor was using a screw driver, screwing a screw into very hard wood. Just a lot of pressure and I felt it twisting as he went further in. Thankfully it wasn't very painful and it was quick :) The bone marrow biopsy will look at the cells to rule in or out any cellular changes. The sample they took out will go through about four different steps and examinations to figure out how my cells are working. The doctor thinks I will have the results back from all this by Thursday. 

Literally 5 minutes later, I was rolled in a wheelchair to a different floor where they performed a gastroscopy, where they put a tube down your throat down to you stomach to look at the stomach. The reason for them doing this test is because I have been so nauseous. I was more nervous for this test just due to the fact of having to swallow a tube down my throat! They did give me some relaxing medication thankfully, so it didn't end up being too bad. I should get the results from this test hopefully tomorrow. 

That completed the testing for Monday! I had to be fasting from midnight until an hour after my gastroscopy (around 5pm)! ooof! See below how excited I was to eat after (even with low appetite). 

I am glad I enjoyed the meal, because couple of hours later, the nurse came in and said I had to be fasting again from midnight until the testing on Tuesday was complete! 

Tuesday (today), I had blood tests done in the morning, in addition to two other tests. 
First, I had echocardiogram (ultrasound of my heart), to make sure my heart if functioning correctly. And an hour after that, I had a PET CT scan, where they are looking at the possibility for any tumors, lymphoma or things like that. To be fully honest, that scan was extremely scary to me. It seemed like that would be the golden standard to figure out if I have cancer or not. Also in the waiting area, right in front of me, there was templates and information for young individuals that are diagnosed with cancer. The whole thing just seemed very scary and overwhelming. However, I just tried to stay positive and to not overthink anything for no reason. The doctors will be the ones telling me the results from this scan in couple of days, so until then I have to stay calm and positive. Both of the echocardiogram and the PET CT scan results should come back in the next couple of days. 

Later in the evening, I had an amazingly fun surprise, where someone knocked on my door with a surprise!! It was RYAN! He was dropping off a package for me and he was allowed to come in the door and say hi as long as he just stayed in the door opening! 

He is always thinking of me and trying to make my life as easy/enjoyable as possible! Couldn't have been happier to see him for those 10 seconds! I can't wait to shower tonight and then do my nails :) That has always been a little treat that I like to do! Self care is important! 
Ryan has been staying so strong through all this, Imagine!! He is in a foreign country, knows no one and his wife is in the hospital!! and he can't even come visit her. Oooof! He is a trooper and I am so proud of him for going out and doing things to shorten his days as well. It doesn't make sense for him to just sit at home thinking about me all day, that's not healthy. So I have been encouraging him to go out and hike, find a gym and do things for himself! I think he is slowly finding the perfect balance :) And thanks to my amazing family members here, he feels very included and taken care of, even though he was meeting most of them for the first time last week. Ryan! I love you so much! We are going to WIN this together, no matter what it is

How am I feeling physically?

My stomach pain has still been better, which is nice, but my nausea stays pretty consistent. Monday, I also had consistent fever throughout the whole day, but amazingly enough it was gone this morning! so yay! Hopefully it stays that way! 
Then my hip has been hurting quite bit from the bone marrow biopsy, but it's already better today than yesterday. So, tomorrow I should be fit to fight ;) 
Since I came to Iceland I have been fasting 5 total days I think, plus having little to no appetite when I was allowed to eat, which is definitely not the best recipe and I noticed today that I have lost A LOT of weight! I knew I probably was, but today I had to step on a scale for the PET CT scan and I was just shocked! I haven't been this light since 10th grade (14 years ago!!) So yeah, hopefully my appetite will slowly start coming back :) 

Next up is to wait on all these test results to come back, hopefully be released from isolation so I can at least just go on a short walk in the hallway on the floor! That would be so nice! (it's about the little things at this point).

I will write a new blog later this week hopefully with some answers from the doctors!! 
Thank you again for all your amazing support! I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys! 

Have a wonderful day!♡


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